The defence time being nigh, I am printing the 5 copies of my thesis requiered by the librairy. Given the high number of colour pages (thanks metabolomics) I decided to print it in the lab, even if it is a quite long task, but undoubtely cheaper. After spending some hours near the color printer, which takes about 1min to print a page, I started the printing of the remaining pages on the B&W printer. After ~20 min, the noise made by my wisdom being printed stopped. Going to the printer, I was amazed to discover.... a new error...

"top bin full"... this might sound a bit stupid or geeky, but I was extremely pleased to see this error I never thought of... my thesis managed to give this error... for about 2 min I was very proud of myself...ok it's because it's six copies, but still...
Also the printer was slightly smelling like burning electronics, but still working fine..
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