I am so excited by what I just discovered on the net, that I decided to post it. Every one knows my passion for Star Trek. Now that I finished watching the whole original serie, The next generation, Deep Space nine, and that I am in the second season of Voyager, I feel slowly the end coming. What will I do when I will have watched completely Voyager, and then Enterprise? I was thinking of that, listening to star trek music while extracting aldehydes.
So of course I end up on youtube to watch some scenes of the movies... and I discovered that there is a game in preparation !! Star Trek online! A MMORPG of Star trek! I guess Emily would say that this is awesome :-) http://startrekonline.com/
Unfortunatly, it isn't yet released, but I will follow this up.
ok, I should now continue to extract aldehydes, the most interresting activity for a saturday afternoon...
Color me impressed!
Il y a 6 jours
Awesome! When is it going to be released?