Today is the most dishonourable day for Switzerland since the polls on the foreigners restrictions laws some years ago... Switzerland is now, de facto, in its very constitution, back in Middle Ages. I am now awaiting a new proposition by the UDC, the right wing party, to restore inquisition... or maybe camps to hold Muslims?
I still can't believe that we have since today a new amendment in our constitution that deny the right to build a minaret in switzerland. I can barely restraint myself to howl my shame... If I wouldn't be so attached to my city of Lausanne and my state, which is one of the only 3 swiss states that rejected this amendment, I would give back my passport and abandon my swiss nationality...
How can it be allowed to have a amendment in the constitution that is against basic human rights, against religion freedom?... some of the arguments for this amendment was that if you look some radical muslim countries, they deny Christians the right to build churches, so why should we allow minarets to be build in switzerland... most stupid argument I ever heard.. but now at least, I hope that these personns are happy, because switzerland is turning into a radical Christian country. Why not send our army in a crusade also?
And why not also now forbid the construction of any religious-related buildings that are not Christian... now that we have started... why not also force everyone in switzerland to go in churches...
I still can't believe it... Switzerland, the land of the red cross, a land supposed to be welcoming, neutral... now is country that is more and more xenophobic, racist, muslimophobe... how could I now watch our national flag without seeing the wound to the very swiss essence, this pure white cross is no longer a symbol of safety for everyone, but a new stigmata of human stupidity and egoism...
Shame on this 57 % of people that voted for this amendment... and this same people have joyfully refused the new law forbidding weapon export... so we'll still be exporting weapons to help other people kill other people...
Switzerland is not what it should be...
Good lunar morning
Il y a 1 jour
On behalf of the American people who never voted for George W., I'd like to say that we know how you feel. It's very frustrating when your country does something stupid.